
Wednesday 30 April 2014

Live and Love! #MyRoleModel

Hi everyone!
Today I am going to write about something different,something about my role model!

I am writing about #MyRoleModel as a part of the activity by Gillette India in association with

We often connect the word Role Model to someone who inspires, who we want to be like, someone from whom we learn, who motivates and above all, some who we idolize!
Well, when I am speaking about soo many qualities at once, the first person who comes to my mind is none other than  my very own Grand father! Well, at times I feel proud to call myself his grand daughter, but at the same time, I feel that I have a heap of responsibilities by calling myself so, in order to maintain the kind of humility, prestige, discipline, kindness( And I can go on and on about this qualities) that he has maintained and earned!
His little eyes had big dreams! He was the eldest son of  the family, and a big brother to 10 siblings! Yes,he often tells me his stories which inspire me all the time! Well as mentioned earlier, being the eldest son of the family, he had to shoulder the responsibility of the entire family along with his father! His dad owned a shop, and at a very tender age, it was his responsibility to manage the same! But he knew what he wanted to be! He knew where he was supposed to be! So despite his busy routine and responsibilities, he burnt the midnight oil, studied very hard, and was up early next morning to take charge of the shop! He never complained to his father about the fact that he had to manage both the shop and his studies! Infact, if any of his siblings cried, his dad would give him a shouting, telling him that it they were his responsibility!However, he did not complain! Every one in his family would wonder why he stayed up all night! 
He just went on doing what he was! And there! He was the first one in my family to graduate MBBS! Infact he went on to become the Dean of a very reputed Hospital!
Yes, and today when I introduce myself to anyone as his grand daughter, I feel a wave of pride in myself for calling me so!
And if I ever feel like complaining about how tired I at the end of the day, I just think of him in my head!
A disciplined human being, selfless, someone who loves his family unconditionally, hardworking, and someone who I idolize!
YES #MyRoleModel, my Grandfather!

Who is your Role Model? share your comments below!

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