Monday 27 October 2014

Healthy Child Makes A Happy Home:)

 This post is a part of an IndiBlogger Contest- 
#ImmuneIndia.  https://www.liveveda.com/daburchyawanprash/.

I have grown up seeing and believing that A child is a Parent's Everything.From ever since i can recollect,my parents have made every effort, monetary , physical or mental to fulfill my wishes and demand. Every childhood picture I see, or the beautiful videos that my parents have documented , makes me realise, how much my happiness meant to my parents.

I am so glad to be from a family where Indian Values and traditions are of utmost importance. Infact, I distinctly remember a few values that my parents inculcated in me and my sister. Washing hands thoroughly before a meal was a strict rule of the house , which today is a habit.

As a child, stories fascinated me to a great extent. Each day, my parents had to look up for new stories because repetitive stories would not interest me. I realise today, as I look back, that a lot of those stories were just an excuse to inculcate a few essential habits in us. A story that i recollect today, is of a girl Sanya and her pet dog. Leo was potrayed to be a strong dog who was Sanya's Best friend. Sanya and her pet Leo would eat a tablespoon of Dabur Chawanprash everyday.One day Sanya and Leo were to visit her nanny in a far off village. The roads were desserted. A wolf tried to attack them on the way. But Sanya was brave because she was a Dabur Girl. She gave the wolf a tough fight and eventually managed to escape him.

This story would inspire me to such an extent that i wanted to be Sanya!Each day, first thing in the morning, i Would ask my mother to give me a tablespoon of Chawanprash so i would be as strong as Sanya.

Today,I have come to realise that consuming the chawanprash was so important for my immunity.I have grown up as a happy ,healthy child. Our house was always so full of energy and positivity. Healthy Children is what parents work towards at all times.Even as grown ups, we are healthy and that gives us the liberty and time to choose to do what we really want to do.

Poor health leads to multiple issues.For many families that cannot afford medication,Dabur Chawanprash is a safe, quick and affordable solution .And in a country like India, so rich in traditions where the solution to immuntiy is so easy,the struggle is not worthwhile. We should be thankful to Dabur for documenting the Indian Veds and coming up with a formulation like Chawanprash which can keep the children of a family healthy at little time ,cost and effort.

Are you giving your children Dabur Chawanprash? Because after all , a Healthy Child is a Happy Home! :)

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